About INSPIRE 2018
[3rd March 2018, Saturday]
Four outstanding imaging visionaries, one platform.
A sharing of personal discoveries and experiences to inspire you on your own photography journey.
Simply click on the topics of interest below to register or to read for more information.
Other activities include live demonstration, photography presentation and products hands-on session.
Do download the programme schedule for full details.

LIVE Demonstration
2:15pm - 2:45pm
4:15pm - 4:45pm
Featuring guest photographer Anton @mellowedhigh as he shares tips and tricks on using Sony’s lighting system.
High Speed Photography
2pm - 3pm
4pm - 5pm
Take this opportunity to photograph break-dancers during their practice session using our speediest а and RX cameras.


Photography Showcase
2pm - 3pm
4pm - 5pm
Get to meet Mr Yeo Yeow Kwang as he speaks about the articles he has photographed and written for Zaobao.
2018 SDW Overseas Workshop
12:30pm - 7:30pm
Showcasing our upcoming overseas workshops. Travel with us in 2018 to places like Bali, South Africa, Sri Lanka and more.


Lenses for Loans
12:30pm - 5:30pm
Own a Sony Camera? Try out our assortment of lenses which are up for loan (max. 2hr) during this event.
Contest Shortlist Gallery
12:30pm - 5:30pm
Results: 6pm
Presenting the shortlisted entries from our latest Photo Contest. Stay with us till 6pm where we will announce the contest winners.